Why Music is the Best Medicine

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It Can Positively Impact Your Physical Health

Research has shown that music can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. It was found that certain artists such as Mozart or Strauss, reduced blood pressure the most (reduced systolic blood pressure by 4.7mmHg and 3.7mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 2.1mmHg and 2.9mmHg), whilst artists such as ABBA had a lesser impact (reduced systolic blood pressure by 1.7mmHg and had a low impact on diastolic blood pressure).

It Can Increase Your Happiness

The study called ‘The neuroscience of musical chill’ done by The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital found that music helps release the feel-good hormone known as dopamine. Dopamine is released in the brain when you are engaging in something satisfying, rewarding or pleasurable.

It Can Improve Literacy Skills

A study discovered that children between the ages of four and six were able to improve their verbal comprehension by 90% after listening to music for a month. While in another study, it was found that women and children who were musically trained, did better than those who weren't on a verbal memory test. 

It Can Help You Sleep Better

A study found that students who spent 45 minutes before bed listening to classical music, had notably better sleep than those who listened to audiobooks or nothing. 

In conclusion, music has numerous health benefits that can positively impact our mental and physical health on a daily basis. 

APA Bibliography 

Venus Fung

Hey there! 

I’m Venus, a Y9 student who loves writing about a multitude of topics. From deep, dark historical stories to fascinating psychological myths. Besides writing, I also love music, drawing and cooking. I’ll always keep you posted and hopefully, my articles can shed a positive light on the world! <3


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