The simplest solution to poverty
Edited by Rachel Heung
We all know it’s nice to donate to those in need; charities to help build schools, food drives, the “a dollar can change someone’s life” box at the supermarket. But what if you could just directly give the money to those in need, and let them be able to use the money for their own specific needs? That’s the aim of GiveDirectly, a nonprofit organization that lets you do exactly that.
GiveDirectly has distributed more than $580 million in cash to more than 1.37 million people living in poverty since 2009. According to their research, people use the cash for a variety of needs, from livestock to tin roofs, even to motorcycles for taxi services. Their belief is that people deserve to be able to make the choice as to how to improve their lives, and having cash gives them the freedom to do so.
So what are you doing? Go GiveDirectly to those in need, it just makes cents too.