Third person ever to complete 7 Soulsborne games without taking a single hit

Photo from ShackNews

For those unaware, a Soulsborne game, although there isn’t a set definition, are usually games that are developed by FromSoftware that fits into a particular criteria. Typically they are a third-person loose narrative-story game, which consists of action and combat, and throughout the game, you can obtain experience points (usually through killing enemies), which are lost upon death. Although there are a number more specifications, it would take all day to talk about them.

Within the community of FromSoftware, there is a challenge called the “God Run”, where one plays through a number of Soulsborne games to the end credits without taking a single hit. Although possible, it’s incredibly difficult, as these types of games are usually synonymous with difficulty, each requiring different mechanics than the last. The “God Run” consists specifically of 7 games, including Bloodborne, Demon’s Souls, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Elden Ring, and Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3. As you can imagine this is an incredibly difficult feat and is also a massive time commitment. After 120 painstaking days and 300 to 400 restarts of the challenge, twitch streamer “Dinossindgeil” has become the third person ever to have completed the “God Run”. 

In spite of the games themselves being very hard, Dino noted something he found much harder. As Dino said,  “You improve every day a little, and that feels good. At some point after grinding it for a while, about two months in, you start fighting against yourself cause you think, ‘Can I even do that?’ Self-doubt is a run killer, and that’s why I would say the mental challenge is even harder than learning the gameplay.” However, he also mentioned that what really brought his spirits back up was his Twitch chat, as when asked to recall a time when he felt like giving up he said, “I can not recall any specific moment, but it was definitely after a very defeating hit,” “The community just helped me back on the horse with nice messages or just by being understanding.” A few weeks prior to Dino completing the “God Run”, a Spanish streamer BushidoYu completed the run as the second one to have completed this challenge. Congrats to both of you for ruining your sanity and accomplishing what many of us could never.


Chelsea Kam

I am Chelsea Kam, currently in year 13, and I’ve been a writer for the odyssey since its inception in 2019. I enjoy sports such as rock climbing and gymnastics, but often in my spare time I play a lot of video games.


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